Jordan Picked to Benefit from G-8 E-Government Initiative

24 January 2002

Jordan was Thursday picked by G-8 Group to benefit from its e-government and the abridgement of digital gap initiative.

His Majesty King Abdullah II Thursday on a meeting with visiting Italian Innovation and Technology Minister Lucia Stansa hailed G-8 step to pick Jordan, along with Tunisia , Albania and Mozambique to benefit from this significant measure.

Stansa updated the Monarch on this international initiative, saying "the selection of Jordan is due to the Kingdom`s unequivocal resolve and readiness to upgrade information technology IT and e-government". This initiative is inspired by Okinawa Convention of information community development adopted by G-8 leaders at 2ooo Summit , where Italy is entrusted to coordinate global efforts in e-government and to propose specific initiatives useful for the underdeveloped countries in this field.

The Italian official invited the King to address G-8 General Conference on its e-government and IT economies initiatives scheduled to be held April, 2002.