His Majesty King Abdullah II Urges US to Play a more Dynamic Role to Defuse Mideast Tensions

31 January 2002

His Majesty King Abdullah II Thursday affirmed the urgent need that US plays a more dynamic role to defuse tensions in the occupied Palestinian territories, to help Palestinians and Israelis resume stalled Mideast peace talks and to alleviate the plight of the Palestinian people.

The King said in joint press statements following his meeting with US Secretary of State Collin Powel that " we hope, through the continuous support of the US and international community, will reach a just solution that ensures security for Palestinians and Israelis and helps halt the upsurge of fatal violence".

" It is evident Palestinian and Israelis , alike, are eager to end continuous suffering," the King added, saying "I hope my visit will be an opportunity to come up with mechanisms to alleviate desperation and to look forward to a future full of peace and security and stability". Asked on a specific formula to be discussed by His Majesty when meeting President Bush Friday, the King added " when we come to the US , we try to try to know what can be done to push things forward and when we talks about American balanced policy between Palestinians and Israelis , I know that President Bush is committed to build peace for both parties , saying "the cycle of violence is a stumbling block for a us all".

Powel for his part hailed Jordan`s firm backing to peace efforts and world peace , noting to the Kingdom`s contribution in this regard to support international anti-terrorism campaign.

" We exchanged views on the regional situation and on hopes to enforce a ceasefire conducive to reviving stalled Mideast peace talks to be conducted on a sound basis and according to Security Council Resolutions 242 and 338," Powel added.

Powel reiterated his country`s commitment to set up a Palestinian viable state along with Israel where each respects the sovereignty of the other, saying " this US pledge was stated by President Bush in his speech at the United Nations UN headquarters last Fall".

" We tried to crystallize our vision of Palestinian statehood within a framework, that achieves aspirations for both parties and we sent retired Marine Corps General Anthony Zinni to the region to work to that end.

We made some successes ,but unfortunately, there was a surge of lethal violence the last few weeks," Powel noted. " The American administration will reconsider the return of Zinni to the region when appropriate time comes . US is closely following up regional developments, " he added.

"We talked about international counterterrorism campaign and what we are doing in Afghanistan. We are pleased of the progress we have made so far, " Powel said and thanked "Jordan`s unwavering support to the US and anti-terror efforts , not by words but also by deeds . Jordan has sent a portable hospital to Afghanistan`s Mazaer-e-Sharif to treat thousands of Afghans ".