FAO director Hails King Abdullah`s efforts

16 March 2002

General Director of FAO Jack Dheof Saturday hailed His Majesty King Abdullah II`s efforts to lay bases of peace and development on the international level, as well as His Majesty`s efforts to achieve social and economic development in Jordan.

During an audience that included Jordanian Minister of Agriculture Mahmoud Dweiri and Dheof in Tehran, Dheof stressed the invitation extended to His Majesty King Abdullah II to participate in the World Food Summit due to be held in Rome next June.

He highlighted the King`s positive role in supporting a resolution to form an international coalition against hunger and poverty to further enhance the political will in order to eliminate the motives of frustration and anger that nourishes extremism in the world.

Dr. Dweiri , who was heading the Jordanian delegation to the 26th regional congress of FAO for the Near East, said that the participants approved the German President Johannes Rao`s call to form international Coalition Against Hunger and Poverty.

The minister said also that his discussions with Dheof focussed on mans to further develop cooperation between Jordan and FAO in implementation of development agricultural projects to achieve comprehensive development in the countryside.

He pointed out that the congress adopted the call to offer material and technical support to the Palestinian National Authority to rehabilitate the Palestinian agricultural sector.