King Phones President Mubarak

07 April 2002

His Majesty King Abdullah II Sunday phoned Egyptian President Muhammad Husni Mubarak within the framework of consultation between the two countries pertaining to Israel؟s invasion and occupation of Palestinian territories.

For more Arab coordination and unification of efforts concerning the continued Israeli offensive against the Palestinian people and in order to intensify contacts with international powers to oblige Israel stop its offensive, Prime Minister Ali Abul Ragheb, Chief of the Royal Court Fayez Tarawneh and the King`s Advisor and head of Public Intelligence Department Saad Kheir are due Monday to visit Egypt where they will meet with President Mubarak and senior Egyptian officials.

In a phone call between His Majesty King Abdullah II and UN General Secretary Kofi Annan, the King affirmed the necessity of international pressure on Israel for instant implementation of the Security Council resolutions 1402 and 1403 which call for Israel`s pull out from the Palestinian territories it recently occupied and to lift the siege imposed against Palestinian President Yasser Arafat.

His Majesty stressed the importance of affording international protection to the Palestinian People that suffers from the consistent Israeli practices and aggressions.