King Abdullah`s report to the summit

27 March 2002

His Majesty King Abdullah II said that during the past year the Palestinian cause has passed and is still passing the most serious stage due to the Israeli practices in the Palestinian territories. In his report to Beirut summit , His Majesty King Abdullah II, the head of Arab summit held last year in Amman, pointed out to the brutal measures taken by the Israeli government against the Palestinian people in a bid to end up its Intifadha and struggle for statehood on their national soil with Jerusalem as their capital.

The King pointed out to the backlash of 11 September events in USA that inflicted the Palestinian cause, where the Israeli government used this tragic events to abort the Palestinian people's Intifadha, the matter which led both parties, the Palestinian as well as the Israeli into the current whirl of violence and .

Under the light of these developments and the concurrence of events on the Palestinian arena, our efforts along the past year focussed on ending the operations of killing, destruction and siege imposed against the Palestinian people and ending the whirl of violence , His Majesty said.

Our move was based on the fact that the problem is basically a political not security one, and should be tackled on this basis, the King said. He held Israel responsible for not implementing what it has agreed upon with the Palestinian side, the matter which led to creation of a state of frustration amongst the Palestinian and Arab man in the street.

The King said that during his visits and contacts with the world leaders he highlighted the Palestinian issue as the core of the conflict in the region. The Israeli military actions practiced against the unarmed Palestinian people is the sole cause of deterioration of situation , where the Palestinians found themselves obliged to repulse the Israeli consistent aggressions, he affirmed.

His Majesty pointed out that the peace process has been based on the international legitimacy and UN resolutions 242 and 338, as well as land for peace formula. Nobody , whoever would be, has the right to amend such terms of reference, His Majesty said.

He affirmed that The Palestinian National Authority and its leader, President Yasser Arafat is the legitimate leadership of the Palestinian people. The Palestinian leadership has proved to be capable of dealing with the events and developments, he stressed.

He highlighted the importance to repulse any attempt to weaken the Palestinian leadership or find an alternative for it. Such actions will only mean more chaos and instability in the Palestinian territories and the region as well, His Majesty said.

His Majesty pointed out to his visits and meetings with world leaders to explain the situation. The King visited USA, Russia, several EU countries, including Britain , France and Germany, and sent Jordanian Prime Minister to Japan whose major aim of the visit was pertaining the Palestinian issue.

This effort, in addition to the joint efforts of Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the Palestinian leadership, forged out an international consensus admitting two topics, first : ending the Israeli occupation . Second: the establishment of independent Palestinian state.

His Majesty pointed out that he gave instructions to the government to use the Jordanian Israeli peace agreement in a bid to support the Palestinian people.

The government used to facilitate entrance of Arab material support to the Palestinian people and their national authority institutions.

My government has used the Jordanian Israeli agreement to instantly contact the Israeli side in order to serve the Palestinian issue, in a bid to press the Israeli side stop the aggressive practices and bring the two sides back to the negotiation table, His Majesty said.

Concerning the state of relations between Iraq and Kuwait, His Majesty's report pointed out to the necessity to exert more efforts to bring back relations between Iraq and Kuwait to a normal situation.

The King said that his efforts regarding the issue focussed on respect of Kuwait and Iraq's sovereignty and territorial integrity.