King Abdullah II inspects sending aid to Palestinian people

16 April 2002

His Majesty King Abdullah II Tuesday inspected the process of receiving humanitarian aid and sending them to the Palestinian people. The King asked the Jordanian Hashemite Welfare for Relief and Development and Arab and Islamic Cooperation Fund to cooperate with Crisis Management Department (CMD) of the Jordanian Armed Forces to ensure knowing the needs of every Palestinian city, village or refugee camp of aid in coordination with the Palestinian National Authority apparatus . His Majesty asked the fund and CMD`s officials to prepare themselves for the pressure of relief work expected during the coming two days following the pull out of the Israeli forces from the Palestinian territories.

The fund and CMD`s officials reassured His Majesty that the aid donated by the Jordanian people, Arab and world countries to the Palestinian people arrive to their intended destination, pointing out that 2-3 airplanes arrive daily to the Palestinian territories within the airlift which started a week ago , in addition to the arrival of 48 communes with 30 tones cargo each during the past week.

The fund`s General Secretary Abdul Salam Abbadi said that Jordan is the lung through which the Palestinian people take breath, because all local, Arab and international aid arrive to the Palestinians through the fund. He pointed out there is full coordination with PNA, as it determines the kind of aid the Palestinians need in the various parts of their territories, particularly, those exposed to the Israeli aggression.

Jordan continues sending these aid to Ramallah , where PNA distributes them, he said. The fund is collecting the donations announced by the telethon held earlier in cooperation with the Jordanian TV, where JD. 4 million have been collected up till now, out of the announced JD. 10 million, he added.

On his part Director of CMD Muhammad Itan said that aid cargos to Nablus and Jenin have arrived to their destination.

There are other ten communes on the bridge waiting the Israeli authorities to allow them enter the Palestinian territories, he added. Earlier a week ago, His Majesty King Abdullah II gave instructions to establish CMD in order to send aid to the Palestinian territories according to the priorities the Palestinians define. CMD`s membership includes representatives of international humanitarian organizations such as UNICEF and UNHCR, in addition to international and national bodies because their representatives inside the Palestinian territories can not move to deliver aid.

Itan said also that, three days ago the medical station of the Jordanian Armed Forces in Ramallah resumed activity following lifting the curfew imposed on the city. There are still three surgical stations ready to leave following permission where they will work as field hospitals in Hebron, Nablus and Jenin.

He said that the international and national organizations represented in CMD are waiting the Israeli approval to carry out assessment on the ground pertaining the infrastructure and pharmaceutical and foodstuff aid . He pointed out to the difficulty to make aid enter the Palestinian territories given the existence of the Israeli army which has not yet pulled out of the Palestinian territories.

The Jordanian Hashemite Welfare Fund received aid from Arab countries , such as Bahrain, UAE, Qatar, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Libya , Syria and Tunis. It received also aid from Iran, Italy and Germany, and asked Cyprus and Greece to make their aid arrive the Palestinian territories.