King: Israel will never Enjoy Security as long as a Whole Nation is under Occupation

18 April 2002

His Majesty King Abdullah II Thursday said Israel will never enjoy security as long as a whole nation is under occupation , noting `the problem is not only a security one as some Israelis claim , the root issue is rather political`.

The King`s remarks came in an interview with US Fox News satellite channel , and added the establishment of the independent and sovereign Palestinian state on the Palestinian national soil will give peace and security to Palestinians and Israelis alike.

Asked on whether he feels disappointed over the outcome of US Secretary of State Collin Powell to the region , the Monarch said `all were disappointed of not achieving progress. Powell hoped to achieve an immediate withdrawal of Israel`s troops, that will pave the way to resume stalled Mideast peace talks. I reiterate call on the Jewish state to pullout army from all occupied Palestinians areas`.

Remarking on how he assess the outcome of Powell`s tour as success, failure or in-between , the King said `in-between ` . He added `Powel could have obtained a faster pullout, which will create a better atmosphere to help both sides move to the next phase. I hope this will take place during the coming few days `.

Answering a question on whether US lost its prestige because of the recent Mideast events , the Monarch said `the US lost some of its prestige. There is ongoing controversy US is biased and that it always backs Israel`s points of view whatever they are . The majority do not believe in this proposition , but unfortunately Israel`s large-scale incursion of the West Bank , the lack of a balanced US position and US`s abstaining from exerting further pressure on Israel drove all to believe that there is US bias `.

`It is difficult for Americans because they do not know the real image. They during the few years listened to one side of the story. I do not think American viewers see what we see . They always see the Israeli as the victim and the Palestinian (the killer),` the King added.

The Monarch highlighted difficulties in delivering relief aid to Palestinians under Israel`s sweeping closure , saying `many Palestinian areas are still besieged and Israel imposes impediments on checkpoints, Jordan`s `air bridge` aims to carry humanitarian supplies to West Bank towns`.

` Jordan-Israel relations gave us and many countries to deliver assistance to Palestinians. Jordan is the sole outlet to Palestinians to the outside world,` the Monarch pointed out.