King Abdullah II, President Mubarak call for instant Israeli pullout

21 April 2002

His Majesty King Abdullah II and Egyptian President Muhammad Husni Mubarak Sunday called on Israel to instantly pull out its forces from the Palestinian territories and to stop practicing aggressions against the Palestinian people.

The two leaders stressed the importance of crystallizing an international stand to oblige Israel pull out of the Palestinian territories and end the siege imposed against the headquarters of Palestinian President Yasser Arafat.

During their meeting today , the two leaders stressed the necessity that the international community, particularly USA, shoulder their responsibility pertaining the Israeli aggressions and practices against the Palestinian people, through working out a proper mechanism to afford protection to the Palestinians and pave the way towards relaunch of the peaceful negotiations anew.

Talks between the two leaders, which come prior to His Majesty`s meeting in Casablanca today with Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz and with British Prime Minister Monday in London, touched on the contacts and efforts Jordan and Egypt are carrying out with the various international powers to end the Israeli occupation and stop the policy of Israeli military escalation.

His Majesty King Abdullah II and President Mubarak stressed that solutions to the current crisis should be based on the international legitimacy resolutions that ensure restoration of Palestinian and Arab rights , in the forefront the Palestinian people`s right to establish their independent state on their national soil.

They expressed the two countries` rejection to the ideas pointing out that the crisis could be tackled through a security dimension.