King Abdullah II clarifies Jordanian and Arab vision

22 April 2002

His Majesty King Abdullah II Monday stressed that the Jordanian and Arab vision for solving the current crisis in the Palestinian territories lies in a ceasefire and the Israeli pull out from the Palestinian cities and territories, and return to peaceful negotiations whose outcome should be ending the Israeli occupation and establishment of an independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital.

During his meeting with British Prime Minister Tony Blair in 10 Downing street, His Majesty affirmed that the peace process should be based on the international legitimacy resolutions in order to reach a comprehensive peace, and to take into consideration the political visions represented in the Arab initiative, Madrid Declaration and Security Council resolution 1397.

The King`s talks with Blair focused on the serious developments in the Palestinian territories due to the Israeli occupation and the siege of Palestinian President Yasser Arafat`s headquarters. His Majesty hailed the British and European role which supports a crystallization of an international stand to oblige Israel end its occupation and stop its aggressive practices against the Palestinian people.

His Majesty stressed that talking about peaceful solutions for the current crisis can not be successful under the light of military escalation carried out by Israel. He pointed out that Israel`s instant and full pull out from the Palestinian territories and lifting the siege against President Arafat can form a first step and an introduction for diplomatic efforts to be carried out anew.

King Abdullah II, who held Sunday talks with Egyptian President Mubarak and Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz on the Arab and international efforts exerted to end the Israeli occupation, explained the suffering of the Palestinian people and destruction that befell Palestinian establishments. His Majesty stressed that the international community should adopt a comprehensive plan to rebuild Palestinian establishments and develop Palestinian economy.

On his part, British Prime Minster Tony Blair reiterated the necessity for instant Israeli forces pull out and commitment to seek a stop to violence and to act for the establishment of a Palestinian state that lives side by side to the state of Israel. Blair stressed that Britain will support any Arab or international tendency that would lead to ending the whirl of violence and open the way before the diplomatic efforts in order to solve all pending issues.