His Majesty the King Visits the Prime Ministry

25 April 2002

His Majesty King Abdullah II Thursday gave directives to the government to be sure that the measures taken by the cabinet, concerning hiking prices of some commodities, will not affect the underprivileged people of society.

During a visit today to the Prime Ministry, His Majesty touched on the importance of reconsidering the means used by National Aid Fund of offering direct cash support in dealing with poverty issues. He stressed the importance of continuing such support to the worthy sectors in a comprehensive , just and generous way that would ensure good organization of aid and based on scientific means of distribution.

His Majesty stressed the importance of administrating resources and projects and national economy organization through dependence on self resources according to the national priorities, that ensures protection of the poor and affording means of dignified work for citizens.

Prime Minister Ali Abul Ragheb said that the government, by directives of His Majesty King Abdullah II has decided a JD 5 increase for civil and military employees effective of this month.