King Abdullah Holds Talks with US Vice-President

07 May 2002

His Majesty King Abdullah II held talks in Washington with US Vice-President Dick President that focused on the US role to end the current crisis in the Middle East. The King also called for taking quick steps to resume peace negotiations between the Palestinians and Israelis.

His Majesty stressed that the continuous cycle of violence will end if Israel implements UN Security Council resolutions and recognize the rights of Palestinians.

The King`s talks with Cheney also touched on a number of bilateral issues as well as support provided by the US to Jordan to develop its economy.

King Abdullah also held talks with US Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld on relations between Jordan and the US as well as US assistance provided to the Jordanian armed forces.

Rumsfeld praised the role played by Jordanian forces to preserve peace in troubled spots around the world.

His Majesty the King also held a series of meetings in the presence of Her Majesty Queen Rania with representatives of Arab organizations in Washington. The King urged the organizations to intensify their efforts and coordinate their actions to explain Arab issues to the US public opinion in a positive manner, affirming that these organizations could play a vital role in this regard.

The King stressed the need for an Arab lobby to support Arab positions and issues and contribute in urging the US to take a more balanced policy towards the Middle east. `I have focused in my talks on the need to enter into the final status talks quickly and provide protection to Palestinian president Yasser Arafat,` he added.

In response to a question, the King said that the Palestinians are the ones who will determine their future, noting that everyone should know that Arafat is the legitimate representative of the Palestinian people.