King Abdullah II receives Saudi Foreign Minister

10 July 2002

His Majesty King Abdullah II Wednesday discussed with Saudi Minister of Foreign Affairs Prince Saud Al- Faisal the ideas set to push the peace process forward and start negotiations between Palestinian and Israeli sides.

His Majesty and Prince Saud stressed the Arab stand concerning the peace proposals crystallized in the Arab peace initiative approved by Beirut summit.

King Abdullah II urged for transforming the peace ideas into working plans that would eliminate the Israeli occupation and establish independent Palestinian state on 4th June borders.

His Majesty's meeting with Prince Saud, who visited Cairo and Damascus, comes prior to the meeting of the Arab follow up committee and the Arab summit resolutions follow up committee at the end of this week.

The King's meeting comes also prior to the meeting of the quadripartite committee in new York 15 July, which includes foreign ministers of USA, Russia and EU President, Denmark, in addition to UN General Secretary. Arab parties are expected to participate for the first time in the committee's meetings, which are due to focus on the efforts and key steps to move the peace process.