King Abdullah II Receives Iraqi and Turkish Foreign Ministers

06 August 2002

His Majesty King Abdullah II on Tuesday received Iraqi foreign minister Naji Sabri, who conveyed a letter to the king from Iraqi President Saddam Hussein regarding means to further enhance bilateral relations between the two brotherly countries.

The discussions focused also on the Iraqi issue's latest developments and the current situation in the region. His Majesty expressed keenness on cementing cooperation and enhancing relations to serve the two brotherly people's interests.

On another occasion, His Majesty discussed today with Turkish Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Shekro Sina Jorel the current situation in the region and the efforts exerted to release peace negotiations, in addition to the Iraqi issue's latest developments.

The discussions focused also on bilateral relations between Jordan and Turkey and mechanisms of activating them in all fields. The Minister conveyed to His Majesty an invitation from Turkish President to visit Turkey.