King Visits Prime Ministry

22 December 2002

His Majesty King Abdullah on Sunday called at Prime Ministry where he met Prime Minister Ali Abul Ragheb, who briefed the King on the government's plan of action to translate into practical steps the national recommendations included in the document of "Jordan First" concept. The document was presented to King Abdullah by a 31-member national commission formed for this purpose.

The recommendations include the introduction of a parliamentary quota for women, the establishment of a Constitutional Court, far reaching amendments to the 1992 Political Parties Law, as well as the reform of school and university curricula.

During the meeting at the Prime Ministry, Abul Ragheb presented a letter to King Abdullah in which he affirmed that his government has already embarked on action plan to translate the document into reality on the ground as way of life. The recommendations will be put forward as one whole package adopted by ministries and relevant government departments according to a well-defined timetables.

A special unit will be established at the Prime Ministry entrusted with following up the action plan, the Prime Minister said in his letter, which detailed practical steps and mechanisms to implement the recommendations.