King Abdullah II visits Ministry of Foreign Affairs

07 April 2003

During a visit to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs today, His Majesty King Abdullah II followed up on the role carried by the Ministry at this stage, which is witnessing accelerating and critical political developments, as a result of the war on Iraq.

His Majesty instructed the Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr. Marwan Muasher about the nature of dealing with the prevailing circumstances and what pertains to the invasion of Iraq, and its devastating effects on the Iraqi people and the region in general.

His Majesty viewed the operations room, which was established by the Ministry to follow up on the Iraqi crisis and which is working around the clock in coordination with the State agencies and all Jordanian embassies abroad.

During the meeting of His Majesty with the directors of the Departments of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which was held in the presence of Minister of the Royal Hashemite Court, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs and the Advisor at the Royal Hashemite Court and President of Institute of Diplomacy, Dr. Marwan Muashar described the main areas of the development of the work of the Ministry which was based on human resources upgrading, the development of the diplomatic corpse, and the development of information and communications in the Ministry center and Jordanian embassies.

In media' statements, Dr. Marwan Muasher said that His Majesty's visit is to observe firsthand the efforts of the Ministry in dealing with the Iraqi crisis and the measures taken by the Ministry to develop its work.

Dr. Muasher said that in line with His Majesty's directives, he called today the Secretary General of the Arab League Mr. Amr Mousa in an attempt to crystallize an outlook for an active Arab role that would not only work to stop the war as soon as possible and avert the Iraqi people more destruction, but it would also work to prevent the United States and the United Kingdom from administering the affairs of Iraq alone and to ensure the preservation of the rights of the Iraqi people and the unity of its territories.

Dr. Muasher added that His Majesty will make contacts with the Arab leaders and there might be visits to try to crystallize this outlook.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which has moved recently to a new location, has witnessed a development in the area of human resources where the approaches of practical training and economic expertise have been applied. Moreover, objective, fair and high-level standards in the selection and promotion of diplomats have been put in place.

A division for Human rights and human security was also established. In addition to the establishment of Research and Political Planning Section and currently work is underway to connect the section with the Institute pf Diplomacy with the objective of establishing a Think Tank.

In the area of ICT, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has established an ICT network connecting the center of the Ministry with the embassies.

A website for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been established,, which contains basic information on the functions of the Ministry as well as descriptions of Jordanian positions on different issues. The website also provides basic information to serve the public.

The work of the Ministry in its different activities and programs has also been computerized and there is a comprehensive information infrastructure.