King: Parliamentary Elections is a Historical Day for Jordan

17 June 2003

His Majesty King Abdullah II affirmed that this day, in which the parliamentary elections are being held on and the citizens are practicing their right in voting, is a historical day for Jordan.

During His visit to the Interior Ministry, His Majesty urged the citizens to participate in voting to choose the deputy who represents their ambitions, hopes, and the future of Jordan.

His Majesty pointed in statements to the international T.V stations after the visit that the new parliament makes Jordan a stemming point for democratic and political life in the region.

Answering a question on the Muslim brotherhood participation in the elections, His Majesty said the Muslim brotherhood is part of the social and political body in Jordan .The King expressed satisfaction over the participation of the Muslim brotherhood in the elections because it is part of the democratic process adding that he never doubted that they will take part.

His Majesty expressed satisfaction over the measures and arrangements which were taken by the Interior Ministry and the concerned authorities.

His Majesty was accompanied by minister of the Royal Court and chief of the Royal court.