King meets Mofaz

04 August 2005

His Majesty King Abdullah on Thursday emphasized the need to ensure the success of the peace process after the Israeli pullout from Gaza Strip due on Aug 17, saying the implementation of the roadmap is the only way to achieve a peace that guarantees the rights of all parties and enables us to find stability.

“The withdrawal from Gaza should constitute the successful start and prelude to the withdrawal of Israel from the West Bank and the establishment of a viable independent Palestinian state,” His Majesty the King told Israeli Defence Minister Shaul Mofaz during a meeting in Aqaba.

King Abdullah's talks with Mofaz, attended by His Majesty's Advisor for Security Affairs and Director of National Security Marshal Saad Kheir, followed discussions His Majesty held Wednesday with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in Amman.

King Abdullah said it was important to see full cooperation between Israel and the Palestinians to ensure the success of withdrawal in a calm manner.

His Majesty said the Palestinian security authorities should be upgraded and supplied with necessary equipment to operate effectively.

During the meeting, Mofaz told King Abdullah Israel will implement the withdrawal within the framework it has devised.

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