King holds talks with Palestinian president

22 October 2017

His Majesty King Abdullah held talks on Sunday with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas at Al Husseiniya Palace that focused on the latest developments on the Palestinian scene.

At bilateral talks and at an expanded meeting attended by senior officials on both sides, discussions covered the Palestinian reconciliation agreement reached recently in Cairo.

King Abdullah affirmed Jordan’s full support for this agreement, which will further bolster Palestinian unity.

The reconciliation agreement, His Majesty continued, is an important step to push the peace process forward and relaunch serious and effective negotiations between the Palestinians and the Israelis on the basis of the two-state solution, arriving at the establishment of an independent Palestinian state on the 4 June 1967 lines, with East Jerusalem as its capital.

The King stressed that the Palestinian issue is the region’s central cause that lies at the heart of regional conflict, adding that it is always a top priority in Jordan’s foreign policy.

The talks addressed the importance of working with the US administration and intensifying efforts to create a political environment conducive to making progress in resolving the conflict, especially in light of US President Donald Trump’s commitment to working to achieve peace between the Palestinians and the Israelis.

The discussions, which are part of the ongoing coordination and consultation between Jordan and the Palestinians, also touched on conditions in Jerusalem, with the two sides stressing the need to preserve the historical and legal status quo in the holy city.

His Majesty affirmed that Jordan, in line with the Hashemite Custodianship of Islamic and Christian holy sites in Jerusalem, continues to undertake its historical role in safeguarding these holy places.

The talks, which continued over a working lunch, also covered current regional developments and efforts to reach political solutions to crises in the region.

President Abbas expressed his appreciation for Jordan’s efforts, led by the King, in defending the Palestinian cause and supporting the rights of the Palestinian people at international fora.

Prime Minister Hani Mulki, Royal Hashemite Court Chief Fayez Tarawneh, Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi, General Intelligence Department Director Maj. Gen. Adnan Jundi, and Director of the Office of His Majesty Jafar Hassan attended the talks on the Jordanian side.

From the Palestinian side, General Intelligence Service Director Maj. Gen. Majid Faraj and Palestinian Ambassador to Jordan Atallah Kheiri were in attendance.

An official welcoming ceremony had been held on President Abbas’ arrival at Al Husseiniya Palace, where he was received by His Majesty.

In remarks to the press following the talks, President Abbas said the discussions covered the Palestinian national reconciliation and the agreement signed in Cairo.

Abbas said he briefed the King on the agreement in full.

Jordan and the Palestinians, the president added, are undoubtedly keen on ensuring the success of this reconciliation, in accordance with the agreement, which entails that there be one authority, one law, and one system, and that the national consensus government be able to operate as it does in the West Bank.

President Abbas commended His Majesty’s efforts to support the Palestinian cause, noting that the Palestinians are well aware and assured of these efforts, and fully agree with His Majesty.