Statement from Royal Protocol on the funeral procession for Prince Muhammed

30 April 2021

Royal Protocol, on Friday, released the following statement on the funeral procession for His Royal Highness the late Prince Muhammed bin Talal, may he rest in peace:
“Funeral procession for His Royal Highness Prince Muhammed bin Talal, may he rest in peace, on Friday 30 April 2021 (18 Ramadan 1442)
·      The funeral procession will move from the late Prince’s Palace, to the Royal Guards Mosque at 11:55am, in a special motorcade.
·      His Majesty King Abdullah and His Royal Highness Crown Prince Al Hussein bin Abdullah II will take part in the funeral procession.
·      Due to public health concerns, and in line with regulations and COVID-19 public safety measures, Royal Protocol has notified a limited number of mourners from the Royal Hashemite Family to be present at the Royal Guards Mosque at 12:10pm:
o   His Royal Highness Prince El Hassan bin Talal
o   His Royal Highness Prince Feisal bin Al Hussein
o   His Royal Highness Prince Ali bin Al Hussein
o   His Royal Highness Prince Hamzah bin Al Hussein
o   His Royal Highness Prince Hashim bin Al Hussein
o   His Royal Highness Prince Talal bin Muhammed
o   His Royal Highness Prince Ghazi bin Muhammed
o   His Royal Highness Prince Rashid bin El Hassan
o   His Royal Highness Prince Omar bin Feisal bin Al Hussein
o   His Royal Highness Prince Hussein bin Talal bin Muhammed
o   His Royal Highness Prince Muhammed bin Talal bin Muhammed
o   His Royal Highness Prince Ali bin Nayef
o   His Royal Highness Prince Mohammad Abbas bin Ali bin Nayef
o   His Royal Highness Prince Asem bin Nayef
o   His Royal Highness Prince Nayef bin Asem bin Nayef
o   His Royal Highness Prince Ra'ad bin Zeid
o   His Highness Prince Mired bin Ra’ad
o   Sharif Shaker bin Zeid bin Shaker
o   Sharif Ghazi bin Shaker bin Zeid
o   Sharif Jamil bin Nasser bin Jamil
o   Sharif Hussein bin Nasser bin Jamil
o   Sharif Nasser bin Nasser bin Jamil
o   Sharif Fawaz bin Zaben bin Abdullah
o   Sharif Zeid bin Fawaz bin Zaben bin Abdullah
·      The special motorcade will arrive at the mosque at 12:30pm.
·      Friday prayer and a funeral prayer will be held at the Royal Guards Mosque.
·      The funeral procession will continue on foot from the Royal Guards Mosque to the Royal Cemetery.
·      Upon arrival at the Royal Cemetery, a funeral ceremony will take place and the late Prince will be laid to rest.
·      In line with regulations and COVID-19 public safety measures, there will be no handshakes to express condolences.”