King meets House speaker, committee heads

16 May 2021

His Majesty King Abdullah on Sunday reaffirmed Jordan’s firm position in support of the Palestinians as they seek to gain their just and legitimate rights, stressing that the region will not enjoy security and stability without reaching a just and comprehensive solution that guarantees the establishment of an independent Palestinian state on the 4 June 1967 lines, with East Jerusalem as its capital.

At a meeting with Speaker of the House of Representatives Abdul Monem Odat and heads of a number of House committees at Al Husseiniya Palace, held as part of ongoing parliamentary outreach, King Abdullah said no country is more supportive of the Palestinians than Jordan, stressing Jordanians’ unwavering position.

His Majesty added that he has always warned that failure to reach a just and comprehensive solution to the Palestinian cause will lead to an explosive situation in the region.

The King noted intensive efforts and continuous communication with various active international stakeholders to stop the dangerous Israeli escalation and safeguard Palestinian lives and property, highlighting Arab cooperation and coordination on various levels, and with the United States and European countries.

His Majesty pointed to positive messages from the United States and greater support for efforts to resolve the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, on the basis of the two-state solution.

Moreover, the King underscored Jordan’s relentless efforts to provide all means of support for the Palestinians and secure their medical and relief needs, as well as to continue to bolster the capacities of the Jordanian field hospital in Gaza and all other clinics in the West Bank.

For his part, House Speaker Abdul Monem Odat highlighted the King’s continuous calls over the years to end the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, and his warnings that the absence of a just and comprehensive solution will keep the region in a cycle of chaos.

Odat noted the Arab and international consensus on the Hashemite Custodianship of Islamic and Christian holy sites in Jerusalem, which is a confirmation of Jordan’s active role, led by His Majesty, in safeguarding the holy sites.

The attendees said Jordan always has the Palestinian cause as a top priority, highlighting the House’s ongoing support for the steadfastness of the Palestinian people in the face of Israeli violations.