Interview with His Majesty King Abdullah II

Faisal Shboul
Jordan Television
02 March 2007

JTV: Your Majesty, you are starting a visit to the US What do you expect from this visit in light of developments in the region?

King Abdullah: The new developments in the region are complicated and difficult. We should move on all fronts, and communicate with all parties to prevent further deterioration of the situation and avoid the loss of an opportunity to find a comprehensive settlement that would spare this region and its peoples further disaster and widespread chaos and violence. My visit to the US falls within this context. The US is a major member of the [Middle East] Quartet, and we are totally convinced that there should be movement and cooperation with influential parties, primary among the US, to find a settlement of situations that threaten the whole region... Frankly, in this region we have two options, the option of peace and stability or the option of chaos, violence and destruction.

JTV: Your Majesty, but people in the region see that the US is biased in favour of Israel. They do not trust its stances or pledges or even commitments to a two-state solution. Do you think that the US could be an honest partner in the peace process?

King Abdullah: We should not stand still and say that the US is biased, and that there is no use in any dialogue with it. The right thing to do is to continue our communications and dialogue with the US because it is, as I mentioned before, a major party in the region's issues. No one can ignore its role, because it is the most influential nation when it comes to Israel. It is time that it uses its influence and demonstrates to the region's nations its transparency and objectivity. It is our duty to urge this super power and other nations to adopt balanced and supportive stances in the peace process, because, in particular, we heard from the Americans clear and frank talk and a real wish, to activate the peace process in accordance with the roadmap and the two-state solution. My focus in this visit will not be only on my meeting with President Bush and members of the American Administration. I will also address decision-makers and legislators with a speech to a joint meeting of the Congress. It is true that the US bears a responsibility [for the peace process], but the main responsibility should be shouldered by Israel, which must choose between living in a fortress, or living in peace and stability with its neighbours.

JTV: Many believe that American Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice's last visit to the region, and her talk about peace and finding a solution to the Palestinian issue, were a smoke screen to cover the real objective of the visit, which was to ensure Arab support for the new American plan in Iraq. What is the indicator that the US is committed to realising peace between the Palestinians and Israelis? Will we witness the establishment of the Palestinian state during the second term of the present American Administration?

King Abdullah: I fully realise that the US is focusing now on Iraq. It is seeking a way out from the explosive situation there and its complexities. We support all endeavours to realise national consensus and root stability in Iraq. But during my meetings with President Bush and the American Secretary of State in Amman, I noted a clear understanding of the importance of the Palestinian issue, which we still consider the core issue in the region. Other issues in the region cannot be solved except through finding a just solution to this conflict.

JTV: Will there be any discussion during this visit of economic matters and American assistance to Jordan?

King Abdullah: In all my visits to the US or European or Asian nations, I always devote a part to the economic side and to attracting investments that benefit Jordanians. During this visit I will meet the American business leaders to introduce to these leaders the investment atmosphere in Jordan, especially that our exports to the US exceeded 1.3 billion US dollars. On the other hand, I will explain - both during my meetings with members of the American Administration and members of Congress - Jordan's economic situation so that we may get assistance that would help in implementing our development programmes.

JTV: Allow me, Your Majesty, to ask about the local scene. There is anticipation and sometimes doubt concerning parliamentary elections. Will elections be held this year?

King Abdullah: I want to assure our people that in 2007 there will be municipal elections and parliamentary elections. This is a solid example of our adherence to the articles of the Constitution. I call on citizens to show interest in these elections and choose the representative that is best to represent them and their interests in the framework of national interest. The deputies should accelerate the endorsement of legislation that regulates political life in Jordan, so that we can facilitate political development in our country.

JTV: The August fuel price increase has led to a rise in the price of many goods and services. Citizens suffer from difficult economic conditions. Are there new plans and programmes to improve the living conditions of citizens?

King Abdullah: I feel the depth of suffering and difficulties affecting my people, which have come about as a result of many factors. Among them are high prices and regional conditions around us, especially in Palestine and Iraq. Everything that happens around us affects economic stability and our efforts to attract investments. But in spite of all of this, we have achieved a lot, and we are on the right track. Our developmental plans have been drafted with the goal in mind of improving citizens' living standards, especially among the poor and those with lower-middle income.

This is among my top priorities, and I have urged the government to implement a number of service and developmental projects that will have positive effects on citizens' lives. Among these are the development zones which we will establish in the northern and southern governorates.