His Majesty King Abdullah II Concludes US Visit

04 February 2002

Their Majesties King Abdullah II and Queen Rania Al-Abdullah concluded their visit to the US.

His Majesty took part in the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum in New York City, delivered a keynote address and held meetings with other leaders and figures taking part in WEF.

In his talks with US President George Bush at the White House last Friday, His Majesty urged the US to play an active role that ends the cycle of violence and paves the way for the Palestinians and Israelis to return to the negotiating table.

In his talks with senior US officials and interviews with the media, the King warned that if the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and the Iraqi issue remain unsolved, this will flood the region with infinite problems.

King Abdullah reiterated that initiatives introduced to solve the Palestinian issue will be meaningless if they are not interpreted into tangible reality felt by people in the region.

His Majesty underscored the importance of realizing this issue and stressed the importance of continuing to deal with President Arafat and the Palestinian National Authority as a major party in the peace process and represent the aspirations of the Palestinians.

He also renewed his call for an immediate and practical US move to reach a just and comprehensive solution for the Arab-Israeli conflict to rescue the peoples of the region from suffering and take them into new horizons that enable them to invest their capabilities and direct it to build a better future.

The Royal visit succeeded in gaining US promises to continue support for Jordan and enable it to implement socio-economic reform plans.