King Abdullah II leaves for Tokyo

29 June 2002

His Majesty King Abdullah II Saturday left for Tokyo in a four day working visit to Japan, where he is expected to meet with Their Imperial Majesties Emperor Akihito and Empress Mitchiko.

His Majesty, accompanied by His Royal Highness Crown Prince Hamzah Bin Al-Hussein, is due to hold talks with Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizuni and Foreign Minster Yoriko Kawagushi and senior Japanese officials on bilateral relations between the two friendly countries and means to further develop them, particularly in the economic and trade fields, as well as rescheduling Jordan's debts for Japan.

The talks are expected also to focus on the development of situation on the Palestinian territories and the efforts exported to release peace negotiations.

His Majesty is expected also to meet with representatives of government economic activities and representatives of private sector and Japanese businessmen to inform them on investment opportunities in Jordan.

King Abdullah II is expected also to meet with Presidents of the Japanese Parliament and Advisors, and members of the Jordanian Japanese Parliamentary Friendship Association.

The delegation accompanying His Majesty includes His Royal Highness Prince Hashem Bin Al-Hussein, the Prime Minister, Chief of the Royal Court and ministers of Foreign Affairs, Finance, and Industry and Trade.

His Royal Highness Prince Faisal Bin Al-Hussein has been sworn in as Regent.