King Abdullah II Meets With Canadian Foreign Minister

23 May 2002

His Majesty King Abdullah II Thursday discussed with Canadian Foreign Minister Graham Bill the coming steps to move the peace process and launch negotiations between the Palestinian and Israeli sides , in addition to bilateral relations between Jordan and Canada.

His Majesty pointed out to the importance of moving to the final stage of negotiations of peace talks. He stressed the necessity that negotiations should be based on international terms of reference and the Arab peace initiative.

Bill, who is touring the region, pointed out that Canada, which presides the G8 industrial countries, is interested in reaching a just and comprehensive peace in the Middle East region, that would end violence and ensure security and stability of all parties.

Talks focused on bilateral relations , particularly supporting Jordan's economic and development plans, as well as easing Canadian debts on Jordan and transforming them into investment.

The Canadian minister pointed out that he will convey Jordan's view point to G8 countries, pertaining either the necessity to move to final status negotiations , or concerning support to Jordan and its economic programs.