King Abdullah II Meets with the Executive Committee of Workers' Trade Unions

06 April 2003

His Majesty King Abdullah II Sunday affirmed that he gave instructions to the government to consider the situation of Jordanian sectors affected by the continuation of war against brotherly Iraq.

During an audience with chairman and members the Executive Committee of Workers Trade Unions, His Majesty pointed out to his special concern towards the working people, and to his keenness on curbing unemployment and affording opportunities to this sector of people.

His Majesty, who reviewed the political circumstances the region is passing through, reiterated Jordan's clear position of rejection to war against brotherly Iraq.

He pointed out that Jordan has exerted numerous and serious endeavors to avert this war. "We will go on in working to exert our utmost with friendly and brotherly countries to stop this war," he said.

His Majesty reaffirmed that Jordan will go on working for helping the Iraqi people ease the consequences of this war on them.