King Abdullah II receives UN General Secretary Assistant

08 July 2002

His Majesty King Abdullah II Monday received UN General Secretary Assistant and UNDP Regional Director for Arab Countries Rima Khalaf who handed His Majesty a copy of Arab Human Development Report for this year.

During the meeting, attended by Chief of the Royal Court Fayez Tarawneh and Klofees Maqsoud , member of the consultative team participating in the report's preparation, His Majesty affirmed the importance of information and indications the report included.

The report is a major terms of reference for development action and future planning, particularly as it defines the various indications of development in the Arab countries.

His Majesty pointed out that human development is the key measure in Jordan's development to be achieved through implementation of social and economic development program in the various fields.

His Majesty expressed appreciation on the remarkable effort UNDP regional bureau carried out to issue this report, the first of its kind in the Arab countries.