King Abdullah II returns home

04 July 2002

His Majesty King Abdullah II Thursday returned home following a working visit to Japan, where he discussed with Japanese officials mechanisms of activating economic cooperation between the two countries, particularly in the field of investment and trade exchange, in addition to the Middle East latest developments.

During his visit, in which he was accompanied by their Royal Highnesses Crown Prince Hamzah Bin Al-Hussein, Prince Ali Bin Al-Hussein and Prince Hashem Bin Al-Hussein, His Majesty met with Emperor Akihito and Empress Mitchiko.

His Majesty carried out talks with Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi and Foreign Minister Yoriko Kawagushi on the political situation in the Middle East and the efforts aiming at reviving the peace process, as well as the role Japan could play in this regard.

The talks focused also on the Japanese government's assistance to Jordan to support the social and economic reform program and investment promotion, in addition to rescheduling Jordanian debts to Japan.

Japanese government announced a $ 17 m. grant to Jordan to support the social and economic transformation program. It will offer also a $ 18,6 m. grant to improve Zarqa water administration.

The King's visit included intensive meetings with Japanese government departments' officials interested in external grants, where he met with Japan International Cooperation Agency JICA, Japan Bank for International Cooperation JBIC and Japan External Trade Organization JETRO.

His Majesty held series of meetings with Speaker of Japan?s Parliament, and Chairman of Advisors Council, head and members of the Jordanian Japanese Parliamentary Society and representatives of firms and economic activities, where he reviewed the Jordanian economy's latest developments particularly following the signature of free trade agreements with USA , Europe and Arab countries.

His Majesty showed the numerous aspects of investment in Jordan, which he stressed to be a center of investment in the region.

His Majesty visited also the joint Jordanian, Syrian and Lebanese exhibition held by JETRO in order to promote the three countries productions in Japan.