King Abdullah II, Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nhayan Hold Talks

07 January 2002

His Majesty King Abdullah II Monday held talks with President of United Arab Emirates Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nhayan that focussed on mechanisms of developing bilateral cooperation and the latest developments in the region.

King Abdullah II, who arrived earlier today in a brotherly visit to United Arab Emirates, expressed appreciation on Sheikh Zayed`s stands supportive to Jordan and to Arab causes.

His Majesty and Sheikh Zayed affirmed the two countries` Keenness on taking more steps to develop bilateral cooperation and further cement relations between the two countries in the various fields, particularly economic.

The talks focussed on the situations in the occupied Palestinian territories and the suffering the Palestinian people are exposed to.

The two leaders stressed the necessity that the international community pool efforts to make the policy aiming at ending violence and returning to the negotiation table a success.

The two leaders stressed the necessity to unify Arab efforts and support joint Arab action and inter-Arab solidarity.