King Abdullah II visits the National Library

06 March 2003

His Majesty King Abdullah II on Thursday gave instructions to save the national archive. During an unexpected visit to the National Library, the King stressed the importance of maintaining this national wealth, in order to put it at the disposal of students and researchers in proper scientific way.

His Majesty stressed the need for rehabilitation of employees of the National Library in order to further enhance their abilities of dealing with modern archive means.

Following a tour in the library's departments, His Majesty expressed dissatisfaction regarding the situation the library and its contents have reached, where dampness, among other storage factors, damaged the documents. The current premises does not, entirely, fit keeping books and documents, His Majesty affirmed. The premises, designed in the sixties, lacks proper light and temperatures, either in summer or winter, he added.

The King gave instructions to move, as soon as possible, to a new premises. He donated a piece of land within King Hussein Parks site.

He pointed out that he will instruct the government to afford the allocations needed for building a new premises, and to seek outside aid for modern equipment to electronically keep archives and documents.