King Abdullah Inaugurates Telethon

05 April 2002

His Majesty King Abdullah II inaugurated a telethon aired by Jordan Radio and Television Corporation to collect donations for Palestinians suffering under Israel`s brutal aggression. The telethon is Jordan`s biggest ever, in Jordan, dedicated to medical and humanitarian aid.
The King dialed the day-long telethon to voice Jordan`s unwavering backing to Palestinians and their parliamentarily elected leadership. `The Arab nation takes deep pride in Palestinians` heroic acts. I tell our brethren: We stand behind you and will exert utmost efforts to help you defend your legitimate rights and your just cause,؟ the Monarch said.

The King called on the one Jordanian family to offer financial assistance, to consolidate the steadfastness of Palestinians, whose leader Yasser Arafat remains under siege in Ramallah pounded by Israeli fire power.

His Majesty has generously donated cash-money and in-kind supplies as his contribution in this national fund-raising campaign.