King Abdullah: Palestinian issue is core of conflict in the region

03 June 2003

His Majesty King Abdullah II has affirmed that the Palestinian problem has been and is still the "core of conflict" and the major cause of all forms of violence and instability in the region.

Speaking at Sharm el-Sheikh Arab-U.S. summit, King Abdullah stressed the significance of the two summits at Sharm el-Sheikh and Aqaba to bring about a just, comprehensive and lasting peace to the Palestinian issue through a clear action plan and a time frame."

A historical opportunity is at hand to realize peace and stability," said the King expressing appreciation to U.S. President George Bush in this regard.

Days and events would prove that Islam and Moslems are victim of terrorism and targeted more than others by terrorist, the King said. " The ugliest form of terrorism is the tarnishing of the image of Islam and Moslems and inciting the world's hatred and hostility against them," King Abdullah added.

The reiterated the necessity to preserve Iraq's unity and territorial integrity as well as the Iraqi People's right to choose their leadership and shape their future.

In a related development, King Abdullah met Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah Bin Abdel Aziz where the two leaders reviewed topics addressed by the summit and bilateral relations.

Foreign Minister Marwan Muasher said Sharm el-Sheikh summit was held in a positive atmosphere and that all parties to the summit demonstrated their to achieve peace. He said U.S. President Bush affirmed his personal commitment and that of the U.S. Administration to end the Arab-Israeli conflict and establish the independent Palestinian state.

The summit hosted in Aqaba Wednesday would see the start of a new stage to implement the road map as well as the start of countdown to end the Arab-Israeli conflict and establish the Palestinian state by 2005, Muasher said.

We expect the Palestinian and Israeli sides at the summit to declare their commitment to work for peace, he said.