King Affirms the Importance of Encouraging Cultural Tourism in Jordan

11 June 2003

His Majesty king Abdullah II affirmed the importance of taking practical and quick measures to encourage cultural tourism in Jordan and to promote Jordan's tourism in Arab countries.

During a meeting attended by Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah, the prime minister, the minister of Royal Court and a number of officials, His Majesty called for investing in this vital sector which supports the national economy and contributes in presenting the image of modern Jordan.

King Abdullah noted the importance of coordination among the various concerned parties to facilitate measures in force that would aim at encouraging cultural and art tourism. "Jordan, with its touristic, cultural and arts potentials should compete on the level of the region and this could be achieved through providing the necessary facilities and incentives," he added.

Prime Minister Ali Abul Ragheb on his part said that the government, under directives by His Majesty King Abdullah II, will take a pack of administrative, legal and financial measures to attract Arab tourists
and make Jordan a center for tourism, culture and art. "The government will take all steps to enable the private sector to take its role in activating cultural and art tourism," he said.