King, British PM Hold Talks In London

14 March 2002

His Majesty King Abdullah II and British Prime Minister Tony Blair stressed that there is a strong opportunity to achieve peace in the Middle East by implementing the ideas proposed by Saudi Crown Prince HRH Abdullah Bin Abdel Aziz.

During a meeting on Thursday in London, the two leaders pointed out that the ideas of Prince Abdullah are an important and positive development to end the Middle East conflict because the proposal is in line with the UN resolutions.

The King and Blair touched on the developments in the Palestinian areas, efforts made to end the cycle of violence and the military escalation. They considered the US decision to send Gen. Anthony Zinni back to the region as an important step in the efforts aiming at making a ceasefire hold.

Blair valued His Majesty King Abdullah`s constant efforts with Arab and international parties to put the peace process back on track. His Majesty left London for Los Angeles.