King Condemns Terrorist Attack In Riyadh

13 May 2003

His Majesty King Abdullah II on Tuesday condemned the terrorist attack in Riyadh killing a number of innocent civilian and leaving many others wounded.

In a telephone call with Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah Bin Abdel Aziz, King Abdullah noted the blasts in Riyadh targeted residential compounds and this harms Islam and its tolerant message.

The King affirmed Jordan's total support to Saudi Arabia in its drive to fight terrorism and those who stand behind describing the incident in Riyadh a criminal one. Among those killed in the explosion were five Jordanian and another one was injured. They were all working in Saudi Arabia.

"What happened in Riyadh makes imperative on all Muslims to fight this phenomena of terrorism, fanaticism and violence which can only serves enemies of Islam," King Abdullah said.

The King expressed his condolences to Prince Abdullah and the Saudi people on the victims of the incident. His Majesty also ordered sending an aircraft to airlift bodies of the Jordanian nationals who passed away in the explosion.