King meets House speaker, heads of blocs; urges government-Parliament coordination to serve citizens

11 October 2017

His Majesty King Abdullah on Wednesday stressed the important role of local councils in improving development in the governorates, calling on the government and Parliament to cooperate in supporting them.

During a meeting at Al Husseiniya Palace with the speaker of the House of Representatives and the heads of blocs and their deputies, King Abdullah called for a development strategy for the governorates and action plans that are implemented on the ground and are based on the advantages and resources of each area.

His Majesty urged ministers to undertake their duties in the service of the nation boldly, confidently, and responsibly.

The draft income tax law, the King noted, must stiffen penalties for tax evasion, the burden of which is currently carried by citizens.

Jordanians' generosity towards refugees is well known, with around 25 per cent of the budget spent on them, His Majesty said, adding that this cannot continue for long.

The responsibility falls on everyone, the King continued, noting that there are those who are benefiting from the current situation at the expense of the middle class.

This calls for enhancing the law and stiffening penalties to prevent some from evading responsibility, His Majesty said, adding that any law requires transparent implementation mechanisms.

The King affirmed that the main goal is to direct subsidies to protect middle class Jordanians and limited-income Jordanian families while implementing financial and economic reforms.

Voicing hope that the Jordan Economic Growth Plan and financial reform efforts next year will help overcome economic challenges and the repercussions of regional conditions, His Majesty asserted the importance of cooperation between the government and the House in this regard.

The King also urged developing an investment-friendly climate and expediting progress in various sectors, stressing the importance of the e-government programme in addressing administrative inefficiency, and in enhancing performance and the quality of services offered to citizens and investors.

Expressing appreciation for the House's efforts over the past extraordinary session in endorsing a package of major laws to enhance the judiciary, His Majesty affirmed the importance of maintaining cooperation and coordination between the government and Parliament on all issues and in the best interest of citizens.

Commenting on the recent violence in Irbid, the King said it was an isolated incident that, nonetheless, undermined the law enforcement efforts of security agencies, asserting that no one must be allowed to violate the law or citizens' rights.

His Majesty praised the immediate measures taken transparently by the Public Security Directorate in response to the incident.

The rule of law, the King continued, is based on applying penalties, but the problem is that for some who call for abiding by the law, things change once their relatives are involved.

Turning to the developments in the Palestinian issue, His Majesty said the US administration has committed to pushing peace efforts forward in the coming months.

Commenting on the Israeli embassy incident in Amman, the King said the Israeli government must undertake the responsibility of conducting a credible investigation, ensuring that justice is served. The same applies to the case of Judge Raed Zuaiter.

Discussions also covered the latest developments in Syria, with His Majesty affirming the importance of the ceasefire agreement in southwest Syria, which was the fruit of Jordanian efforts that brought superpowers to the negotiating table in Amman.

Speaking at the meeting, Speaker of the House of Representatives Atef Tarawneh acknowledged the enormity of the responsibilities ahead, noting that the House, as a constitutional institution, and all state institutions have a major role to play in facing the challenges before the nation.

Tarawneh called for an advanced tax law that addresses evasion, noting that the King's directives to protect the middle class and limited-income families will "guide the way for us".

The speaker stressed the need for a programme to assess the effectiveness of government measures in improving tax revenue.

For their part, the heads of blocs and their deputies expressed appreciation for His Majesty's regular meetings with members of the House of Representatives, stressing the importance of upholding the rule of law and maintaining unity.

Economic challenges, they added, are everyone's concern, and they require cooperation among all institutions to overcome them and move towards self-reliance.

They called for encouraging the private sector to establish mega-projects in the Kingdom, as well as promoting small- and medium-sized projects in the governorates and focusing on the agricultural sector.

The lawmakers said Jordan's embassies around the world can play a major role in attracting investments, urging deterrent laws against tax evasion that guarantee the protection of the middle class and limited-income families through cooperation between the government and the House.

Noting the impact of regional crisis on Jordan's economy, the MPs called for a government plan with clear timelines to counter the resulting economic challenges.

They also praised the King’s efforts in support of the Palestinian issue and in advocating the rights of the Palestinian people.

Royal Hashemite Court Chief Fayez Tarawneh and Director of the Office of His Majesty Jafar Hassan attended the meeting.