King meets US secretary of state, commends US-Jordan understanding on regional challenges

Washington, DC
20 July 2021

His Majesty King Abdullah on Tuesday commended the level of mutual understanding between Jordan and the United States on the challenges facing the Middle East.
In remarks at the top of his meeting with Secretary of State Antony Blinken, attended by His Royal Highness Crown Prince Al Hussein bin Abdullah II, King Abdullah said Jordan and the United States have developed a mutual agreement on regional challenges.
“You know you can count on Jordan to be steadfast, and always be a strong ally,” His Majesty said, noting the deep-rooted, personal ties with President Joe Biden.
The King expressed appreciation of “the generosity of yesterday’s meeting with the president and the first lady”, noting that it is a reflection of “the old personal relationship that I had with the president since he was a senator when I was a young man such as my son with His late Majesty King Hussein”.
“We have always been very grateful for the support of the United States; the administrations, the Congress, and the American people,” His Majesty continued, thanking the administration for supporting Jordan with COVID-19 vaccines.
For his part, Secretary Blinken described the King’s visit as “remarkably busy” and “productive”, noting the meetings on His Majesty’s agenda with the president, vice president, administration officials, and members of Congress.
“I think it’s a reflection of the tremendous value that the United State places on its relationship with Jordan. A remarkable partnership over many years, many decades,” Blinken said.
“Jordan is a powerful, powerful partner for peace for stability in the region. Dealing with ISIS and terrorism, a remarkably generous host to refugees. On so many levels, this partnership demonstrates its importance, its value to us,” he added.
He continued: “It’s also powerful evidence in your agenda here that Jordan has long enjoyed, and continues to enjoy, strong bipartisan support.”
Welcoming the King and the Crown Prince, Secretary Blinking said “we have a lengthy agenda following up on the meeting with President Biden yesterday, lots to talk about.”
Discussions at the meeting covered a number of regional issues, foremost of which is the Palestinian cause, with His Majesty stressing the United States’ key role in pushing towards just and comprehensive peace on the basis of the two-state solution, and the importance of avoiding unilateral Israeli measures.
Efforts to reach political solutions to regional crises were also discussed.
Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi, Director of the Office of His Majesty Jafar Hassan, and Jordan’s Ambassador in Washington, DC, Dina Kawar attended the meeting.