King & Mubarak Review Situation

19 June 2002

His Majesty King Abdullah and Egyptian President Mohammad Hosni Mubarak discussed in Amman on Wednesday the current developments as well as initiatives to solve the Arab-Israeli conflict. The two leaders said that these initiatives should be based to UN Security Council resolutions 242 and 338 and should lead to the establishment of a viable Palestinian state.

They also affirmed the need for establishing a suitable ground for ending violence in the Palestinian lands stressing their condemnation of the Israeli actions and the escalation policy in the Palestinian villages and cities.

The leaders pointed to the importance of announcing the general frame work and time table of the negotiations pointing that security solutions will not lead to the peace desired by the people in the region. They added that the Palestinian problem can only be solved through negotiations and peaceful solutions.

King Abdullah and President Mubarak expressed hope the President Bush's initiative which is expected to be announced within the coming days is balanced and consistent with legitimacy resolutions related to the Palestinian cause.

The talks were attended by His Royal Highness Prince Faisal Ben Al Hussein, Chief of the Royal Hashemite Court, King's advisor for security affairs/head of the intelligence department and other senior officials. The talks were also attended by senior Egyptian officials. Upon departure to Damascus on Wednesday noon, President Mubarak was seen off by His Majesty King Abdullah.