King Opens Arab Industry Ministers Meeting

22 December 2002

His Majesty King Abdullah II opened in Amman on Sunday the ministerial meeting of the Arab industry ministers entitled "Towards a comprehensive Arab industry development".

The meeting comes in response to a proposal made by Secretary General of the Arab League Amr Musa during meetings of the Arab Organization for Industrial Development and Mining which was held in Riyadh last May with a view to prepare a comprehensive file on Arab industry to be presented to the upcoming Arab summit in Manama.

Minister of Industry and Trade Dr. Salahiddin Al-Bashir said in remarks during the opening ceremony, that the Royal patronage of this meeting reflects keenness of His Majesty King Abdullah II to support Arab efforts that seek to achieve prosperity and dignified life for Arabs. "The King's follow up of the Arab economic accomplishments and the implementation of resolutions of the Amman and Beirut summits enabled Arab officials to follow up these accomplishments and activate Arab coordination to achieve the aspired for Arab economic success," he said.

Al-Bashir also touched on the economic accomplishments that have been achieved by the public and private sectors in Jordan thanks to His Majesty King Abdullah's directives.