King Opens a Forum on Education

15 September 2002

His Majesty King Abdullah II opened today the "Vision Forum for the Future of Education in Jordan" which was held with the participation of experts in the field of education from Jordan, the World Bank, the Canadian Agency for international Development, the USAID and Japan.

The forum comes within His Majesty's initiatives to adopt change as an approach to draw the track of future development.

A comprehensive review of all human development sector is being carried out with a view to reach a sustainable economic and social development and make Jordan a country that exports distinguished human capabilities in order to compete on the regional and international levels.

The forum will try to reach a comprehensive view to develop human resources that will be presented as an axis at the 3rd National Economic Meeting which will be held in Aqaba next month.

Minister of Planning Basim Awadallah said that the two-day meeting will try to achieve His Majesty King Abdullah's vision on dealing with education and vocational and technical training as an integrated package that is linked to current and future needs of the Labour market.