King Patronizes the Graduation of Two Military Training Courses

30 July 2003

His Majesty King Abdullah II, the Supreme Commander of Jordan Armed Forces, patronized on Wednesday at the Jordanian Royal War College a graduation ceremony of the two courses of the 15th war college and the 1st Joint Operations Management.

The commander of the War College delivered a speech in which he affirmed that the presence of His Majesty at the college is a royal gesture which reflects the King's appreciation and keenness to devolving the Jordan Armed Forces.

His Majesty presented certificates to graduates of the 15th War College Course in which a number of Arab states took part and to graduates of the 1st Joint Operation Management.

His Majesty also patronized at the Royal Command and Staff the graduation ceremony of the 7th joint 43rd command and staff course.

The commander of the Command and Staff College affirmed that the college is keen to provide officers with wide range knowledge which broadens their horizons His Majesty the King also presented Bachelor's degrees in military science, which are awarded by University of Mu'ta, to graduates of the college.

It is noted that the two ceremonies were attended by His Royal Highness Prince Faisal bin Al Hussein, Senate President, chairman of Joint Chiefs Staff, President of Mu'ta University, Director of Public Security Department, Director of Civil Defense and a number of senior officials.