King Praises US Efforts to Restart Peace Talks

27 November 2001

His Majesty King Abdullah II praised in a telephone call with US President George Bush efforts that are being exerted by the US administration to restart peace talks and work effectively to establish just and permanent peace in the Middle East based on UN Security Council resolutions 242 and 338.

His Majesty noted the importance of US efforts to end the cycle of violence in the Palestinian lands and reach a ceasefire based on the Mitchell and Tenet plans. The King also underlined the importance of making the mission of US envoys William Burns and Anthony Zinni a success.

The US president on his part said that the US would do its utmost to encourage the concerned parties to accept an immediate ceasefire and pave the way to put the peace process back on its proper track. He added that the US is determined to achieve peace in the region and find a just solution to the Palestinian cause that guarantees the rights of all parties and provide security and stability to the region؟s peoples.