King Receives Palestinian Prime Minister

23 October 2003

His Majesty king Abdullah II discussed in Aqaba on Thursday with the Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmed Qurei, the situation in the Palestinian territories as well as efforts being exerted by Jordan to rally international support for the Palestinian position and end the cycle of violence in the region.

His Majesty affirmed that there are important steps that should be taken by the Palestinians and the Israelis to put an end to the deteriorating situation and tension in the region, indicating that the continuation of the construction of the separation fence by Israel constitutes a major obstacle to efforts that aim at putting the peace process back on its proper track.

King Abdullah also underlined the importance for the Palestinian side to shoulder its responsibilities, most notably in the security field, for solving the security issue is important for the implementation of the road map.

The King asked Qurei to come up with a number of ideas to overcome the current situation so to discuss these ideas with the US administration during His Majesty's expected meeting with US President George Bush next December.

The Palestinian prime minister for his part briefed His Majesty on the situation in the Palestinian lands, affirming his government's commitment to the peace process, and stressing at the same time that Israel's construction of the separation fence threatens the peace process.

Qurei expressed thanks and appreciation for His Majesty for Jordan's supportive stand towards the Palestinian people, stressing that he would continue coordination with Jordanian officials with a view to continue efforts that aim at ending tension and resuming the peace process.