King Sends Message to Lebanese President

20 March 2002

Lebanese President Emile Lahud on Wednesday received Jordan`s Foreign Minister Marwan Muasher who conveyed to him a message from His Majesty King Abdullah II dealing with the current situation in the Arab region and the upcoming Arab summit in Beirut.

The message affirmed the close brotherly relations between Jordan and Lebanon and highlighted Jodan`s views and ideas regarding the summit . It also stressed the necessity to come up with one united Arab standpoint in face of the challenges and difficulties facing the Arab nation.

There is a need for consultation between Jordan, which holds the summit rotating presidency and Lebanon, which will be next President of the Arab summit, Muasher said in a statement to Jordan television.

"Coordination on the summit agenda is also a necessity as it is expected that the summit will come up with significant resolutions relevant to the Palestinian question and others issues such as the Iraqi file," Muasher added.

He said the Saudi peace proposals were discussed in details and it was largely agreed that the Saudi initiative was clear in affirming the whole Arab rights related to the refugees, the establishment of the Palestinian states and the full Israeli withdrawal from the occupied Palestinian, Syrian and Lebanese territories. The initiative is also a clear message that affirms the true Arab desire to live in peace and security in the region, Muasher said .

Lebanese Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri said the talks with Muasher were fruitful . Hariri, who met with Muasher earlier on the day paid tribute to King Abdullah`s efforts to ensure success to Beirut Arab summit . He also commended the good relations between Jordan and Lebanon which he said are based on mutual respect and confidence. In a statement to Jordan television, Hariri expressed hope that the summit would be a successful one . He said the main features of the summit agenda have become clear now and the main topics cover the Palestinian issue including the ongoing events in the West Bank and Gaza and the need to implement the international resolutions relevant to this issue.

Muasher had also another meeting with his Lebanese counterpart Mahmoud Hammud where the two ministers discussed issues to be presented to the Arab summit next week.