King Stresses Cooperation Executive and Legislative Authorities

26 August 2003

His Majesty King Abdullah II Tuesday said close cooperation between the government and the Parliament should be maintained to achieve comprehensive development and a better future since the House of Deputies is an essential partner in the development process.

During a meeting with a number of Parliament members at Raghadan Palace, King Abdullah said the House of Deputies' monitoring role is necessary to continue the economic, social and political reform plans.

"We will continue supporting our democratic march to deepen and strengthen it so as to become a way of life," King Abdullah said during the meeting. Reaching complete democracy takes time, the King added.

Priority should be given to economic and social development for Jordanian men and women and "this can only be realized when we build a generation armed with knowledge," King Abdullah said during the meeting, which was attended by Royal Court Minister Faisal al-Fayez and Royal Court Chief Yousef Dalabih.

Education is the best way to improve living standards of the new generation and therefore "we have started to focus on the quality of education to help our young people compete not only at the regional but also at the international level," King Abdullah said noting that Jordan was one of the best countries in giving support
to education.

"During our meetings with members of parliaments in the coming days, we will continue discussing political, economic and social issues so that we can work together to develop Jordan and promote dialogue, democracy and the respect to one another's opinion," King Abdullah said.

Despite the economic achievements we have accomplished in the past few years, yet we haven't reached the standard of living that can satisfies all citizens, the King said. The deputies should bear a big responsibility to help us build modern Jordan, the King added.

"It is the duty of everybody to fight corruption, nepotism, and the abuse of public office," King Abdullah said. Within this context, the King called for leaving wrong concepts, which usually enhance favourism and mediation. Unfortunately, such misconceptions are not associated with one government or one person in particular but rather with the mentality of some that should be changed, King Abdullah said.

The King called upon the political parties to strengthen their role through their number to three or four ones that have clear political, economic and social programs. " After we had achieved strides in economic development we should work to achieve political development as well," King told his audience.

King Abdullah urged the deputies to offer every possible advice that can help improve the living conditions." We will support every well-studied idea for any successful project in all governorates that can help curb poverty and unemployment," the King said.

Referring to Jordan's support to the Palestinian brothers, King Abdullah said cooperation with the Palestinian National Authority was continuing to put an end to the suffering of Palestinian brethren.

"We are working with the United States and other international parties to implement the roadmap and end Israeli occupation to the Palestinian territories," King Abdullah said.

The King's remarks also covered the situation in Iraq and how Jordan stand by the Iraqi people to help them overcome their problems.

The deputies, who attended a dinner banquet held by King Abdullah during the meeting, talked about a number of economic, political and social issues. Parliament Speaker Saed Hayel Srur said the House of Deputies will be the biggest supporter to the democratic life in the kingdom.