King visits JAF agricultural mega-project in Al Ghamr, urges making it a Jordanian success story

07 December 2021

His Majesty King Abdullah on Tuesday reaffirmed that Al Ghamr holds a special place in the hearts of all Jordanians, calling for making the area a Jordanian success story and a model for similar agricultural projects across the Kingdom.

During a tour of an agricultural mega-project implemented by the Jordan Armed Forces-Arab Army (JAF) in Al Ghamr, King Abdullah stressed that farmers should benefit from such projects, transforming them into a source of support rather than competition.

His Majesty underscored the need for quantitative and qualitative leaps in agricultural production to benefit Jordanians and enhance food security in the country, noting the importance of diversifying crops in the Jordan Valley to bolster the agricultural sector and the national economy.

The King voiced pride in JAF’s role in implementing agricultural development projects.

His Majesty, accompanied by Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Maj. Gen. Yousef Huneiti, was briefed on the project, which was established by the JAF in the first quarter of 2021.

The project, which entails utilising 14,000 dunums of Al Ghamr and surrounding lands over five phases, aims to achieve food security, bolster local community development, modernise agricultural technology, and provide employment and training opportunities.

The first phase of the project, representing 10% of the five-year plan, provides 250 job opportunities and includes water wells and irrigation infrastructure, as well as a packaging facility that meets international standards and takes into account the needs of other local farmers.

Jordan exercises full sovereignty over Baqura and Al Ghamr, since November 2019, and His Majesty has directed the government and JAF to develop and utilise these areas in service of Jordan and Jordanians.

In October 2018, the King announced Jordan’s decision to terminate the Peace Treaty annexes on Baqura and Al Ghamr, which had allowed Israel to use these territories.

Royal Hashemite Court Chief Yousef Issawi accompanied His Majesty on the visit.