King inaugurates 18th Parliament’s second ordinary session

12 November 2017

His Majesty King Abdullah on Sunday inaugurated the second ordinary session of the 18th Parliament.

In the Speech from the Throne, which marked the opening of the ordinary session, King Abdullah urged Parliament’s utmost engagement in oversight and legislation, focusing on the priorities and urgent issues that were detailed in the government’s performance report for the past year, as well as in its policy statement, and in the last two Letters of Designation.

In order to achieve these priorities, the government, His Majesty said, must work to implement the Jordan Economic Growth Plan over the coming years, capitalising on all available regional and international opportunities to improve citizens’ standard of living, supporting the middle class, and protecting low-income families.

“The government must also continue to implement the National Strategy for Human Resources Development and see through the e-government programme to transform into a paperless government,” the King said, reaffirming the importance of a transparent and realistic approach by the government.

“With the phase of strategising and planning complete, the government must now focus on effective implementation, for it is up to us to take matters into our own hands. No one will solve our problems but us. We must harness our will, potential, and energy to confidently and resolutely take on the challenges before us,” His Majesty asserted.

In the speech, the King also praised the recent joint efforts by the government and the Parliament, “which were characterised by constructiveness, and a spirit of responsibility and partnership”.

“This has resulted in the endorsement of a package of vital legislation encompassing several key sectors, in line with our keenness to develop the performance of the judiciary, enhance the rule of law, and nurture the foundations of our civil state,” His Majesty added, urging continued cooperation between the executive and legislative authorities.

The opening of Parliament’s second ordinary session, the King said, is occasion to “recall Jordanians’ latest milestone of electing municipal and governorate councils”, as Jordan strives towards cementing democracy and empowering local authorities to assume wider responsibilities in development-related decision making.

“This achievement also reflects Jordan’s unique, steadfast and incremental reform model, to which Jordanians remain committed amidst unprecedented regional challenges,” His Majesty noted.

“Our success in forging ahead on the path of growth and prosperity, and countering the forces of evil and the khawarej of this age would not have been possible without the unity and solidarity of Jordanians,” the King affirmed, paying tribute to the efforts of the Jordan Armed Forces-Arab Army and security agencies in safeguarding the Kingdom.

Regionally, His Majesty stressed that “Jordan will continue to uphold its historical role as defender of the causes of our Arab and Muslim nations, foremost of which is the Palestinian cause”.

Earlier, an official ceremony was held on the King’s arrival at Parliament.

The opening of Parliament’s second ordinary session was attended by Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah and His Royal Highness Crown Prince Al Hussein bin Abdullah II, as well as a number of royal family members, senior officials and officers, and Arab and foreign diplomats.

After delivering the Speech from the Throne, His Majesty greeted members of the Senate and the House of Representatives, in addition to senior officials and officers.