King receives speaker of Japan’s House of Councillors

11 December 2017

His Majesty King Abdullah on Monday received Speaker of the House of Councillors of Japan Chuichi Date at Al Husseiniya Palace.
At the meeting, attended by Senate President Faisal Fayez, the two sides affirmed the deep-rooted ties and the strategic partnership that Jordan and Japan share.
The two sides also praised the advanced level of Jordanian-Japanese cooperation in fighting terrorism within a holistic approach to counter its threat to global security and stability.
King Abdullah thanked Japan for supporting Jordan in implementing development projects.
Discussions also covered the developments related to Jerusalem, after the United States’ decision to recognise the city as Israel’s capital and move the US embassy there.
His Majesty said the Organisation for Islamic Cooperation summit that will be held in Turkey will focus on the challenges brought on by the US decision, which will have serious implications on regional security and stability, as well as efforts to achieve peace.
The King affirmed that the international community must uphold its responsibilities and take firm decisions to support peace and reach a just and permanent solution to the Palestinian cause.
The issue of Jerusalem, His Majesty stressed, must be settled within the framework of a comprehensive solution that leads to the establishment of an independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital, living side by side with Israel.
For his part, Speaker Date, who is currently visiting the Kingdom, said the US decision on Jerusalem is cause for concern, due to its negative regional implications.
He affirmed Japan’s commitment to a two-state solution to end the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, noting that the issue of Jerusalem must be resolved through final status negotiations based on international terms of reference.
Commenting on bilateral ties, Speaker Date stressed Japan’s commitment to promoting investments in Jordan, and continuing economic support for the Kingdom.
Royal Hashemite Court Chief Fayez Tarawneh; Director of the Office of His Majesty Jafar Hassan; Senator Sakher Dudin, a member of the Senate’s Jordanian-Japanese friendship committee; and members of the delegation accompanying Speaker Date attended the meeting.