King, Egyptian president hold talks in Amman

13 January 2019

His Majesty King Abdullah and Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El Sisi agreed, during talks on Sunday, to expand joint cooperation in many vital sectors, and to continue coordination and consultation on various issues in service of Arab interests and regional security and stability.

The talks, which took place at Basman Palace and was attended by His Royal Highness Crown Prince Al Hussein bin Abdullah II, covered opportunities in the economic, trade, investment, pharmaceutical, energy, transport and labour sectors, as well as military cooperation.

During bilateral talks and an expanded meeting attended by senior officials from both sides, King Abdullah and President Sisi reaffirmed the exceptional ties between the two countries, expressing keenness to strengthen them in various fields.

His Majesty praised Egypt's pivotal regional role and its efforts to enhance stability and counter terrorism.

For his part, the Egyptian president praised the relationship between Jordan and Egypt at the official and popular levels, highlighting his country's keenness to bolster those relations on all levels.

The two sides affirmed the need to activate the outcomes of the joint Jordanian-Egyptian higher committee meetings in 2017, and the importance of holding similar meetings in the near future to overcome obstacles to economic and trade cooperation.

Enhancing cooperation in the energy sector, especially supplying the Kingdom with natural gas from Egypt, was also discussed.

Other regional developments were discussed, including the Palestinian issue and Jerusalem, with the King and President Sisi stressing the need to support the Palestinians as they seek to achieve their legitimate aspirations to establish an independent state on the 4 June 1967 lines with East Jerusalem as its capital.

The two leaders affirmed the importance of intensifying international efforts to end the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and to reach a just and lasting peace based on the two-state solution and the Arab Peace Initiative.

The two sides also called for an end to Israeli escalations in Jerusalem and violations in Al Aqsa Mosque/Al Haram Al Sharif.

With regards to the Syrian crisis, the importance of reaching a political solution that preserves the territorial integrity of Syria and the unity of its people was stressed.

Talks also covered efforts to reach political solutions to other regional crises, as well as regional and international efforts to fight terrorism within a comprehensive approach.

Also on Sunday, His Majesty hosted a luncheon in honour of President Sisi and his accompanying delegation.