King accepts credentials of new ambassadors to Jordan

17 June 2019

His Majesty King Abdullah on Monday accepted the credentials of a number of new ambassadors to Jordan during a ceremony at Basman Palace.

King Abdullah accepted the credentials of ambassadors Ahmed Ali Mohammed Al Balushi of the United Arab Emirates, Fadl Edris of Sudan, Haji Mahadi bin Haji Maidin of Brunei, Tariq Shah Bahrami of Afghanistan, Ebrahim Saley of South Africa, Lee Jae-wan of the Republic of Korea, and Dimitar Mihaylov of Bulgaria, as well as non-resident ambassador Orazmuhamed Atajanovich Chariyev of Turkmenistan.

Royal Hashemite Court Chief Yousef Issawi and the acting foreign minister, Minister of State for Prime Ministry Affairs Sami Daoud, attended the ceremony.