At the Berlin House of Representitves

Remarks by His Majesty King Abdullah II

At the Berlin House of Representitves

23 October 2002

Your Excellency Mr. Wowereit,
Your Excellency Mr. Momper,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is an honour the entire delegation to be here with you today at the Rotes Rathaus and in the Wappensaal. This historical surrounding testifies to the living tradition of Berlin, and proves beyond doubt, its dynamism, in adapting to change, and adopting modernity. The resilience shown in this landmark, is yet another sign of the commitment of this great nation, to construct what others have chosen to destroy, and to restore stability and hope, to areas of conflict and despair.

To us, believers in a faith of acceptance, tolerance, and forgiveness, this is a manifestation of a great civilization that we admire, share, and respect. It is a symbol of excellence, of cooperation and interdependence, and most importantly perhaps, of human interaction in its most positive aspect. It also serves as a reminder, at these most testing and difficult of times, of the universal values, that bind us all to be as one, in the face of the evil and destruction. It echoes the lessons of the past, and underlines the need for better understanding and dialogue among nations, religions and cultures.


I am proud to convey to the House of Representatives and the people of Berlin the friendship of the people of Jordan, who have long respected your culture, and always admired your achievements. They have resolved to be faithful to their beliefs and ideals, and at the same time, to continue to build bridges of cooperation, trust and dialogue with different cultures and nations. The people of Jordan, Excellencies, have also embraced positive change as the way forward towards a future of productivity, prosperity and fulfillment. They are at peace with themselves, their neighbours, and the surrounding community of nations. My people cherish their democracy and inclusive civil society, and continuously endeavour to build bridges with others across geographical divides.


We are grateful for this opportunity which has allowed us once more to reinforce the ties that bind, and to cherish the traditions that unify us together in the face of the challenges ahead.

I thank you for your invitation and for your support.